There's something in the water. You hear it everywhere in New Hampshire as residents jokingly try to put their finger on how the town next door, or their neighbors next door, can be so very different. Nearly a year into the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, it's clear that New Hampshire is putting its stimulus in the water. Tom Burack, the chief honcho at NH Department of Environmental Services, is kicking off a new ground water treatment facility in Seabrook on Tuesday. The stimulus and a drinking water loan fund is funneling $5 million of the $7,344,000 construction bill.
You forgot to mention all the stimulus money that's going into cleaning up Merrimack River wastewater treatment plants. Here's a great link to where the take-it-for-granite state's been spending its Stimulus money:
Posted by: Tim Wacker | November 17, 2009 at 08:12 AM
besides it's not like cleaning up the water is going to fix the state's dental problem.
Posted by: Tim Wacker | November 17, 2009 at 08:17 AM